
Oprah is Feeding America.


When you have Oprah money you can do funny things like this to amuse yourself.

Oprah is buying everyone in America  KFC for lunch.

If you go to Oprah.com/KFC  you can print out a coupon for a free 2 piece grilled chicken, two individual sides, and a biscuit.

Hurry though, you only have until midnight tonight to print the coupon and make copies of it and hit up every KFC in the tri state area.

Grilled though?  Big O couldnt even splurge for the extra crispy??

iherb discount coupon


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2 Responses to Oprah is Feeding America.

  1. February 21, 2010 at 9:50 am #

    wow shez a hot mess and that money now it make wonders on her ugly ass


  1. Oprah Causing KFC a Headache! - May 6, 2009

    […] Apparently everyone jumped on Oprah’s offer for free KFC. […]

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