
Oscar Winner’s Shocking Photos!

Looks like Oscar winner Dustin Lance Black has had plenty of practice at film making!

Black’s heart felt acceptance speech at this years Oscars in which he won the award for best screenwriter for Milk left himself and the audience in tears, but just like the rest of us, Lance Black has got a wild side too!

Check out some EXCLUSIVE! stills from this home made “documentary” that Black has previously made with a significant other!

Keep checking back to StarzLife as we hear there are more stills, and the arrival of the XXX video …

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16 Responses to Oscar Winner’s Shocking Photos!

  1. June 12, 2009 at 11:36 pm #

    Come on guys , just because an ex of the guy is SCUM, doesn’t force you to do this to someone. Thats why there aren’t any gay role models, you guys try to destroy anything that is good.
    There was a time people had scruples, dare I say morals, I guess it requires some effort on your parents to raise you…
    Shame on the lover, Shame on Perez Hilton, hope his parents are proud, and SHAME ON YOU.

  2. June 13, 2009 at 1:42 am #

    You guys are authentic douchebags. If there is a hell then your room just got reserved.

  3. June 13, 2009 at 11:35 am #

    there just aren’t any pictures here…

  4. June 13, 2009 at 12:19 pm #

    Where are the pics?

  5. June 13, 2009 at 1:58 pm #

    im gay

  6. June 14, 2009 at 2:04 am #

    If a line existed for the anything goes world of internet gossip, you just manage to cross it. congrats, you just help destroy the reputation of a nice talented respectable guy. there is a difference between a paris and a kim, that live for this, and this screenwriter….. what you did was cruel

  7. June 20, 2009 at 11:07 am #

    Yo, Art

    “If a line existed for the anything goes world of internet gossip, you just manage to cross it. congrats, you just help destroy the reputation of a nice talented respectable guy.”

    Talented, perhaps. Nice, I’ve heard otherwise, unless the word ‘prick’ is a compliment — which it may very well be in this setting. Respectable?!?!

    The ironic thing is that as an anti-establishment child of the sixties ‘respectability’ was the last thing Harvey Milk was concerned about. He knew is was not — would never be — respectable in a conventional sense, and quite proud of it. That’s one of the reasons why he was such a hero.

    The fact that Black is actually embarrassed by this tape only shows how little he understood his subject — ‘The Life and Times of Harvey Milk’ is an infinitely superior portrait of this great and complex man. Harvey Milk would have laughed it off.

    It took quite a bit of hubris on the part of a Jack-Mormon like Black to think he could begin to depict Harvey Milk’s chutzpah. Something more than just 500 miles seperates Harvey’s camera shop on Castro and Black’s Los Angeles estate.

    Black’s embarrassment also demonstrates just how far the Gay community has strayed from liberating spirit of Harvey Milk: the fatuous, image-obsessed ‘A-Gays’ of ‘The Advocate’ have triumphed.

    Black’s apology would make Harvey cringe: he’s apologizing for having sex! Did we take to the streets and come out for nothing? Oy vey!

    “there is a difference between a paris and a kim, that live for this, and this screenwriter….. what you did was cruel”

    You think Paris Hilton was jumping for joy when here private tape was leaked all over the net?! Does the term ‘double standard’ mean anything to you?

  8. June 23, 2009 at 5:17 am #

    When will these dopes ever learn!? You dont take x-rated pics and you sure as heck do NOT make an x-rated video, as someone will capitalize on the very private aspects of your bedroom activity just to make a quick buck (not to mention unending embarrassment for you). Jeesh!

  9. June 24, 2009 at 11:06 pm #

    But where’s the pictures?

  10. May 22, 2010 at 1:09 pm #



  1. DUSTIN LANCE BLACK ‘MILK’ING HIS WAY INTO PORN. | The Make up and Beauty Blog - June 12, 2009

    […] for the film Milk, has some hidden agendas of his own. Pictures above and below are stills from a video he made with a previous significant other.  Starzlife reports that as more stills, and the […]

  2.   Afternoon Crumbs by Funny Celebrity . info - June 13, 2009

    […] Milked: Dustin Lance Black co-stars in a gay sex tape (NSFW) – ONTD Gis Budchen is greasy and half-nekkid. Just a regular day at the office. – Egotastic! What kind […]

  3. Some Good News for Dustin Lance Black - June 15, 2009

    […] Lance Black was the latest victim of the nude photo sex scandal this week when StarzLife broke the EXCLUSIVE story of his sexcapades with an ex […]

  4. LOL of the Week. - June 17, 2009

    […] Delancy, the other party featured in the Lance Black sex scandal that we first wrote about last week,  owns an adult webcam website titled […]

  5. Gossip Girl’s Naughty Secret!!! - June 19, 2009

    […] weekend we brought you the work of oscar winner Dustin Lance Black, and this week a reported sex video starring Gossip Girl star […]

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    […] fact, she hasn’t even commented on it?  You hear that DLB? No press is bad […]

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