
I’m Not Trying to Be Insensitive, But Shouldn’t 79-Year-Old Katherine Jackson Just Fall Back When It Comes to MJ’s Will? She Already Has a House


Again, I’m not trying to be insensitive. But again: she’s 79. So’s Joe. Why is he launching a record label at 79? He should be taking a lot of naps.

The prescient Michael Jackson included a “no contest” clause in his will, meaning that if you decide to quibble with it, you’re immediately out. Katherine wants to contest it but not get cut out. So she’s asking a judge if that’s cool. She is 79. I’m not even 30 yet and I still feel like it’s too late for me to work hard and make money but still be young enough to enjoy it. She is 79.

I guess that’s the difference between someone so aimless they end up as a gossip columnist and someone with the strength of character  and dedication necessary to stay married to Joe Jackson.

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