
Silicone Poster Child Miss California Is Going To Sue


A California “beauty” queen just got even uglier.

San Diego bigot Carrie Prejean is filing a bitter lawsuit against the Miss California organization. Yep, that includes – specifically – her two enemies, organizers, Shanna Moakler and Keith Lewis.

Why is the homophobic queen suing? Prejean claims that her name was unnecessarily slandered  and that she “lost earnings” as a result of the slander. And the altruistic christian goes on to list all those campaigns that she lost money from.

Wait, her name? That’s like Hitler suing Germany!

The San Diego silicone bag goes on! She calls a “conspiracy” curse by Moakler and Lewis, and alleges libel, public disclosure of private facts (that would be those big fat fake boobies the pageants shelled out for her), religious discrimination (you see, God doesn’t like it when you talk crap about him, but it’s OK to preach inequality), intentional infliction of emotional distress (yes it hurts when you talk about how I sold out for silicone!), and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

We can’t wait to see how far Prejean gets with this.

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3 Responses to Silicone Poster Child Miss California Is Going To Sue

  1. July 31, 2009 at 1:00 pm #

    Awesome!!  I hope she wins a big settlement out of this.  If I was the judge it would be 100xmillions.  That’s small compensation for having her personal modeling port folio stolen and posted in public without permission, medical records disclosed, parents attacked and suffering a relentless smear campaign that has involved every despicable act that you can imagine.
    It’s too bad she can’t do the same to places like TMZ and Huffington post that have been churning the hate campaign daily for 3 months.

    Maybe there is still hope for honesty and justice in La La Land.

  2. September 7, 2009 at 1:15 am #

    Is this a gay website? She deserves millions. Shes been discriminated against because she hels th epopular belif that gay marriages shouldnt take place. Marriage is a religious act between a man and a woman. A gay union is legal in many places but the trouble making activists want it called a marriage. Theres no need for it to be called a marriage. Next they will want what theyre allowing in Europe, marriages between 3 or more people. Some Dutch guy married his bi girlfriends in a Union which is considered a marriage in that country, Next they’ll want 3 guys or 3 women in a marriage to be legal and if you say no to that then you must be homophobic.

  3. November 28, 2009 at 9:18 pm #

    The fact the the Beauty Pageant purchased child pornography from her ex boyfriend to blackmail her does not only require a judge to rule in her favour; it also requires ‘someone’ within the law enforcement community to examine a beauty pageant that has possession footage and/or images of her taken when she was 17 years of age.

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