
Woops! Another Nude Photo Scandal for Vanessa Hudgens


“I want to apologize to my fans, whose support and trust means the world to me. I am embarrassed over this situation and regret having ever taken these photos. I am thankful for the support of my family and friends.”

Thats what Disney’s Vanessa Hudgens said when she apologized for some nude photos of herself hitting the internet back in 2007.

What will she say this time?!?!

A new wave of Vanessa photos has hit the net this morning, which show the actress topless and wearing only a bra in various poses.

No word on the authenticity of the photos, or if they are from a new batch, or just more from the old batch.   She does look a bit older, but possibly not as old as she is right now.

All this talk about how she hasn’t learned her lesson, well the first batch was leaked some time after they were taken, so these could have been taken before then too, who knows.   Plus who’s complaining.  It’s Vanessa Hudgens naked!! It’s like Christmas in August!

To check out the obvi NSFW photos click here.

I’ve chosen not to post the photos here, because it is Shark Week, and she will surely be releasing the sharks any moment now.

But trust me, you can find them if you type in the obvious keywords.

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