
Soap Actress Doesn’t Understand that Soap Operas Are For Gay People


“Christians like to explain their opposition to homosexuality by pointing out that God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And what better way to prove your point than by referencing imaginary characters from a book full of pretend stories. It’s Fred and Wilma, not Fred and Billma!” — Paul F. Tompkins

Know your audience. The only people willing to look past the horrid writing and acting on a daytime soap are kitchy, ironic homosexuals. Actually, that’s not fair. The eldery and senile also watch because the nurse won’t let them hold the remote.

Actress Patricia Mauceri was let go from One Life to Live this week after a 14-year run. The 59-year-old is a devout Christian and objected to her character voicing tolerance of homosexuality. That’s it. She didn’t have to make out with a female biker or wear plaid, she just had to suggest that maybe gay people aren’t doing it on purpose to upset Christ. Actually, she didn’t have to do any of this – it would have been her character. She refused and was shown the door. Don’t worry, Patricia, there’s still a great line of work for you that involves both gay hatred and relaying written stories to the easily led – it’s called preaching.

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2 Responses to Soap Actress Doesn’t Understand that Soap Operas Are For Gay People

  1. September 8, 2009 at 7:05 pm #

    This story is true, but the photo you posted is one of Saundra Santiago, the actress who is replacing her in the role.

  2. September 9, 2009 at 12:38 am #

    Fixed – thank you for the first intelligent comment I have received.

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