
Britney Custody News


Despite the improvements: a new weave, a bangin’ body, and a sell-out tour, TMZ is reporting that Southern belle Britney Spears still can’t get her kids back.

The 50/50 custody rule, first ordered when Spears went on her “Circus” tour, was extended yesterday by The L.A. Superior Court, meaning Brit now must support K Fed, Sean P, & Jayden James under the agreement’s terms until Christmas, y’all!

Winning the Award for “Highest Paid Sperm Donor”? Kevin Federline, AKA K. Fat. The written agreement states that if Britney takes her kids on tour, she’s gotta throw down for her ex-hubby’s trailer, along with his $20,000 per month unemployment check. Rounding off the stoner dad’s Monthly Welfare Agreement is an extra $20,000 to $25,000 if Britney and her boys leave California.

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