
Balloon Boy Plot Orchestrated By Parents?


The Balloon Boy family went on Larry King Live last night to discuss their whirlwind day, but the boy might have revealed that the story was a hoax plotted by his parents. Out of the mouths of babes!

Balloon Boy (real name Falcon Heene) was said to have been playing in an experimental helium balloon, which then lifted off and carried the child high into the sky, according to the child’s brother. The balloon was tracked all afternoon, fearing that if the balloon crashed, the impact would kill the boy. Hopes, prayers, and tweets were sent that the six year-old would be safe. Then the child was found, hiding in a box in the attic. He was never in the balloon.

The family went onto Larry King Live and Wolf Blitzer asked Falcon why he hid in the attic and didn’t come out when he heard his name being called, he responded, “You guys said that, um… we did this for the show.” The dad, Richard Heene, tried to gloss over those little words, and asked the boy again, “Man…you didn’t come out?” Falcon said no, and then Dad sighed heavily.

Further evidence this whole thing might have been a hoax- the family has been on Wife Swap! My theory- the dad saw how famous Jon and Kate have become for doing nothing besides having a lot of children, and, unable to convince his wife to have 8 kids, cooks up this stupid “my son is missing in a stupid balloon I have lying around” story and look how the media runs to him.

Maybe the kid was better off in the balloon than with his fame hungry parents!

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One Response to Balloon Boy Plot Orchestrated By Parents?

  1. October 16, 2009 at 5:04 pm #

    I think this story about the balloon boy sounds fishy. It could have happened the way they say it did and maybe not a hoax. But why did the boy say what he said that they did it for a show. And the Dad looks awfully nervous and upset and the not at all like he should be looking. He should be happy and smiling and kissing his child because he is safe. But it seems like he is hiding something. I don’t know what. Thank you

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