
And the Award For Best Supporting Actress With Hairy Legs: Mo’Nique


She’s been celebrating her Oscar nomination all weekend, by first having a dinner party with some girlfriends at Philipe Chows in West Hollywood, but no doubt the party raged on into early Monday morning after Mo’Nique picked up her first Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role  for her work on Precious.

Mo’Nique has recently made the news after people started remarking about her hairy legs!  She was busted at an awards show with them, but has quickly defended her decision to not shave them, claiming that her husband likes them!

“He loves the hairy legs,” she says, “and if Sid likes the hairy legs, there you go.” Adding; “I tried shaving one time, and it was so uncomfortable and painful. I said never again would I do that to myself.  I’m 42 and I’m very hairy.”

Sid, really?

Check out some more photos of Mo’Nique and her hairy legs as they arrive at her dinner party at Philipe Chow’s this past Saturday.

Congrats Mo!


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2 Responses to And the Award For Best Supporting Actress With Hairy Legs: Mo’Nique

  1. March 8, 2010 at 4:57 pm #

    Good for her! There is nothing wrong with a woman with naturally hairy legs! I don’t shave mine either. We are grown women, not little girls. Everyone uptight about this needs to grow up themselves.

  2. March 9, 2010 at 9:19 am #

    I agree with Sally. You go, Mo’Nique!

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