
EXCLUSIVE!!! Christian Bale: ‘Servin’ Up’ The Stink Eye in Santa Monica

While most were enjoying a scorching hot weekend in the fall, Christian Bale was his usual mad self.

We spotted Christian and his wife, Sandra Blazic following a game of tennis in Santa Monica, and Christian looked as if he just got beat by his old lady!

We know, we always pick on Christian Bale when he gets angry around photographers, but we wish we were playing tennis instead of working, so if he’s interested in switching roles for a day let us know!

On a toally separate note, what’s up with the long hair surfer look? That’s not the way of Batman!

Check out some more Starzlife EXCLUSIVE photos of Christian Bale below.

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3 Responses to EXCLUSIVE!!! Christian Bale: ‘Servin’ Up’ The Stink Eye in Santa Monica

  1. October 11, 2010 at 11:14 pm #

    they look nice!

  2. October 12, 2010 at 11:27 am #

    Note to Starzlife morons: Christian Bale is an ACTOR. He ISN’T actually Batman! This means when he is not portraying Batman, he can do whatever the eff he wants to do with his hair. He isn’t looking for your approval! Seeing as he is not personally friends w/u a**holes, that explains his constantly irritated face everytime you r lurking around and stalking him. Jeez, apparently you don’t need and brain cells to be a “photographer” or “reporter” these days!

  3. October 12, 2010 at 8:34 pm #

    I’m confused how exactly is this man giving your guys the stink eye? In every picture you have above he has sunglasses on. Dose your camera guy have x-ray vision and he can see through those dark tinted glasses? To me it looks like he’s talking to his wife. He looks normal, walking either to or from tennis I don’t read anything angry in his posture or face towards anyone. Do the world a favor and quite making sh** up.
    In regards to his hair, I work in theater and most actors will grow their hair out between gigs so that the next show they do their hair can be cut and styled to suit the character role they will be playing. He’s getting ready to play Bruce Wayne and he just had his hair cut almost bald to play Dickie Ekland in the “The Fighter” Kind of sad that you don’t know that. It’d be great if the next time you get a pic of him you tired saying something nice instead of massively stupid.

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