
Paris and Benji: in love and glowin’!

042208_sl_hilton16.JPGYes y’all, Paris Hilton is a’ g-l-o-w-i-n-g, and this time it ain’t ‘cuz of her fake tan! Starzlife.com recently caught up with the Paris and beau, Benji Madden, as they shopped for groceries at a high-end supermarket in Beverly Hills. And, our favorite socialite-gone-music enthusiast has never looked prettier or happier! Girl couldn’t stop smiling or even joking about with Benji and nearby photographers! 042208_sl_hilton28.JPGAfter this and other recent Starzlife encounters with Miz Hilton, I’ve come to the conclusion that, no matter what, talented or not, this sweet momma was actually born to be on camera! Not only does she make us smile with her crazy, carefree “do(or say)-now, think-later” kinda attitude, she also looks HOT in EVERY SINGLE frame!! Sigh*
042208_sl_hilton31.JPGYes people, this “celeb” couple is downright “hot!” They’re super-stars of the digital media world; and they know just how to manage their encounters with large mobs of fans and photogs! Watch. Even amidst total paparazzi chaos and scramble, these two don’t seem to lose an ounce of their good-mood or happiness; and lucky bi*ch Paris won’t even get one small hair to hang out of place!27.JPG32.JPG042208_sl_hilton02.JPG18.JPG 042208_sl_hilton24.JPGThese two are so cute, they almost make me wanna puke! That, or run out to buy all the puppies of the world… with puppy breath, of course.

Check out this video of the happy couple

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One Response to Paris and Benji: in love and glowin’!

  1. April 24, 2008 at 7:43 am #

    Is this isn’t LoVe , then what the hell
    is it??????

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