
EXCLUSIVE!!! Paris is “smokin” before a workout.

Paris Hilton’s driver (who’s name wasn’t Benji for once) arrived at a gym in Hollywood Monday afternoon to work out with a personal trainer and Starzlife has the EXCLUSIVE!! photos of the heiress taking the last few puffs of her smoke and then having a laugh on her way into the facility. Check out these smokin’ pics of Paris after this.

Could it be rocker boyfriend Benji Madden who has her back in the habit? Starzlife caught Benji enjoying a smoke on his day away from Paris last week. Hopefully they both cut it out if they are serious about having kids some time in the near future. Smoking is bad…no matter what your smoking.

Paris’ trainer must be getting her in shape for the summer where she will be hittin’ the road with Good Charlotte to support Benji (and help draw more ticket sales).

So, was it? or wasn’t it?

Check out the Starzlife EXCLUSIVE!!! pictures below.


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