
Amy Winehouse “accidently” drugged.

Amy Winehouse was rushed to the hospital again earlier this week for an unidentified reason.  Now her father is speaking out about the reason for her latest trip to the emergency room.

Mitch Winehouse firmly believes that someone slipped Ecstasy in Amy’s drink while visiting with the singer, resulting in her becoming very sick.

Mitch is going to have to wait for a toxicology report to show what caused Amy to get sick and then whatever it is, he’s going to have to believe that someone else was behind it and his crack head daughter had no idea the drugs were entering her system.

Ever since her recent troubles, and being diagnosed with the early stages of emphysema,  Amy has been  under her dad’s watchful eye, and basically chained to he house.  Only trouble with that is, Amy’s pals continue to stop over and visit the singer, something that Mitch thinks needs to stop!

Maybe Mitch ought to take a lesson from Jamie Spears, you can make your daughter better by cutting out the negative in her life, and you can get rich at the same time!

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One Response to Amy Winehouse “accidently” drugged.

  1. July 31, 2008 at 3:40 pm #

    i never noticed until recently that Amy Winehouse has astoundingly huge hair

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