
Amy Winehouse Doesn’t Look like Death for Once


This is what Amy Winehouse used to look like. Then she looked like this. Than this. It only got more depressing from there.

But apparently Britney isn’t the only popstar who can pull a, er, Britney. Amy was in court today and she dressed in effing couture! She looks eons better than she used to look. I can’t even believe she’s still alive, let alone attractive again.

The whole world is topsy turvy! Dear god, have the last two years even existed? Have I been trapped in some strange time warp? I feel like I’m in the movie Flight of the Navigator or something.

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  1. Amy Winehouse Cleared of Assault Charges - July 24, 2009

    […] got off this time Amy, be very aware that drugs are illegal in the UK. You might want to save your couture outfit for another possible court date. Bookmark to: Related postsAmy Winehouse Doesn’t Look like […]

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