
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Take Sides in CMT Awards Opening

The CMT Awards took place last night, and scheduled co-hosts  Toby Keith and Kristen Bell are aiming to derail the other and host the show on their own in the opening.
Each has released hilarious attack ads on the other in an effort to get elected as THE host, and there are cameos from some of Hollywood and Nashville’s biggest names.
Not to mention AMERICA’s top two contenders, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, who will square off in November in a bid for the Presedency.
Check it out below.
In case you missed the CMT Awards, click here to watch the entire show.
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One Response to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Take Sides in CMT Awards Opening

  1. June 7, 2012 at 4:14 pm #


    Is there any doubt that a Romney administration would favor
    the rich and increase the income gap in our country?  Mitt is a pariah in Mormon Clothing and will
    stop at nothing to expand an empire of greed for the rich in this country.  Can his sacred Mormon underwear gain him
    enough donations to buy this election? 
    See for yourself as Mitt dons his tighty-whities from the Good Lord
    Himself at http://dregstudiosart.blogspot.com/2012/05/mitt-romneys-magic-mormon-underwear.html

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