
He blogs too?

Benji Madden has took to the web to write about the past couple days with his girlfriend Paris Hilton. Actually, Benji posts on his site quite often. Click to see what he had to say.

Benji’s blog title was BFF’s and bf’s and gf’s and f’s and…you get it! clearly he should stick to writing music.

On to the post:

SO i promised to fill you in on the last 2 days well here goes…while i had meetings and the studio, which all went really well, Paris started shooting her new Mtv show and when you are part of the GC family, everybody comes out to support. Thats tal and world famous skater buddy greg lutska and tyga(rapper buddy who is about to blow up) his boys, and us. We had a fun night watching them shoot the show. I can’t ruin the surprise too much with the show but i can tell you its really funny.

So basically the last 2 days were busy but easy cause it was great just hangin out with friends watching the show getting started. i hope they were interesting pictures:) I am very very excited about this weekend. my Mom is coming out to L.A. and my Sister is too and she is bringing my little niece Clementine. So you know the proud uncle is gonna be taking lots of pictures. Yes, I have a good weekend ahead of me, i will check in again tomorrow, hope you guys enjoyed this one. thanx for checkin it out and i hope you guys are all doing good. cant wait to play you guys some new music too. soon enough….soon enough……ok be good….talk to you soon……benj

I wish I could write a blog, not worry about spelling or punctuation, and go home with Paris Hilton every night.

Here’s a photo from the TV shoot.

img_1152.jpg photo via: Goodcharlotte.com (clearly)

To see more photos and read some of Benji’s funny commentary, go here

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