
Paris Hilton 20 Years From Now.

One thing that gets Paris Hilton steaming mad is when people criticize her for “not doing any work.”  Paris wants you to know that she’s a hard worker, and probably works more than your 9-5 havin’, burger flippin’ ass.

Paris told reporters in a recent interview;

“I am literally running a huge corporation. I have my clothing lines, my champagne, my watches, shoes and purses and dog clothes — every sort of product you can imagine. I am doing movies. I am doing my record right now, producing, starring in a TV show. So it is a 24 hour, seven day-a-week job. I work all the time, so I laugh when I hear people say that.”

And where does she see herself in 20 years?

“I’ll probably be a mom with a couple of kids. I’d love to have a big family. Running my business and not traveling so much. I’ll be in a lot of real estate businesses and hotels then. I’ll be running my business from home.”

Or premiering her new show on VH1… Paris Hilton is 46 and still looking for a BFF

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