
Seth Rogen Hates Children.


Funny man Seth Rogen has been hidnig his true feelings while out promoting his new animated film, Monsters vs. Aliens, but now that it’s over he’s ready to scream from the mountain tops that he hates children.

He tells reporters; “Now that the movie’s out and I don’t have to promote it anymore, I can say that I hate children. It’s out; it’s made $60 million. I can say it: I hate kids. If no kid ever came up to me, I would be more than happy.”

Rogen will be back to his normal self at the box office next friday April 10 when his latest film, Observe and Report hits theaters.

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  1. It’s a Pogrom of One As Ukraine Runs Another Jew Out of The Country - July 15, 2009

    […] is an amoral glorification of nebbishy behavior that will sissify our youth,” “Judd Apatow films send the wrong message about tolerance” and “Did you know Adam Lambert is a Jew, […]

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