
Terrible Idea. Will and Jayden Smith to Remake ‘Karate Kid.’

I know anything with Will Smith attached to it usually turns to gold so there’s no reason to be skeptical about this, but I think he’s about to potentially ruin a classic.

Jayden Simth, son of will and his co-star in the award winning Persuit of Happyness, is going to be starring in a re-make of The Karate Kid.

According to Variety, the script will loosely follow the 1984 original, the story of a boy who is frequently bullied who turns to martial arts to learn to defend himself with the help of a great coach.

My first issue with his is that the 10-year-old boy is too young.  Ralph Macchio was 23 when he filmed the first Karate Kid movie.  Sure he was playing a teen, but it’s easier to play younger than it is to play older.

Will Smith is producing the film, which will be shot in 2009 in China, so you know it’s going to be good quality and professional,  but that 1980’s San Fernando Valley setting of the original film made it what it was, you cant just replace it with China!

Maybe I’m just being a defender of my youth, but I’d hate to see something so good get ruined, like was done to the Home Alone franchise.

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  1. » ‘Karate Kid’ Remake Doomed As Will Smith’s Son, Jayden, Named the Lead | Highbrid Nation | Because Knowledge is Power - November 11, 2008

    […] Oh and before you go saying I’m always hating…I’m not the only one scratching my head. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “‘Karate Kid’ Remake Doomed As Will Smith’s Son, […]

  2. Jackie Chan to Play Mr. Miyagi in New Karate Kid? - January 14, 2009

    […] just keep getting worse for the unfortunate remake of the Karate […]

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