
Elizabeth Taylor Heads to Hospital


Elizabeth Taylor is reportedly in the hospital again, after reports last week said she was only there for a routine visit. Page Six is reporting that Taylor has taken a turn for the worse and is seriously ill.

Now I don’t want to be selfish, but please God, don’t let Elizabeth Taylor die. We’ve lost enough celebs already within the past couple of weeks, and my TV schedule is already all messed up. All the TV stations keep playing “Michael Jackson Forever”, and “Farrah Fawcett Remembered” and “Billie Mays: We Hardly Knew Ye”, I just want to be able to watch my Jeopardy un-interrupted, and if that means keeping Elizabeth Taylor alive, then I’ll be praying for her for the next month.

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2 Responses to Elizabeth Taylor Heads to Hospital

  1. July 14, 2009 at 1:42 pm #

    I forgot that Elizabeth Taylor used to be hot enough to pull off that Ace Ventura hairdo.


  1. R.I.P. Walter Cronkite - July 17, 2009

    […] was so busy focusing my efforts to make sure Elizabeth Taylor doesn’t die that I forgot to pray for Walter […]

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