
Chace Crawford Moves Out of Ed Westwick’s Place


Gossip Girl star Chace Crawford, who is to reprise the role Kevin Bacon made famous in Footloose, moved out of the apartment he shares with fellow GG castmate, Ed Westwick. The two shared an apartment (I wonder if it was one bedroom or two?) in the NYC neighborhood of Chelsea.

Ed Westwick is apparently not as well-groomed as his character Chuck Bass, and Chace couldn’t stand his mess any longer.

Crawford is to reportedly rent a penthouse apartment in the Dwell 95 building in the Financial District, which is fortunately a short cab ride away from Ed.

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One Response to Chace Crawford Moves Out of Ed Westwick’s Place

  1. July 14, 2009 at 2:40 pm #

    I can’t date a man who wears skinny jeans. Or who can’t even spell his first name correctly.

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