
The Sixth Jason Movie Didn’t Do This Well: Potter Makes 22.2 Million


The title for this post originally said “Potter Conjures” but, according to Google, 1,990 other writers also thought of that clever little play themselves. That’s the problem with puns: someone else has probably already done it. Also, they make people roll their eyes, even when they’re good.

Harry Potter and the Chuzzlewit Broom Ride or whatever it’s called stacked 22.2 million in  a new record for a midnight opening on Wedneday, so “sez” Variety.

I just searched the Starzlife archives for “Potter” to find a pic for this post and what I got was a gallery of Samantha Ronson shots with the caption “Samantha Ronson looks like Harry Potter with her new haircut.” I would have posted them, but she didn’t even look that much like Harry Potter. More like Daniel Radcliffe.

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  1. Emma Watson to leave Hogwarts for Holy-wood - July 16, 2009

    […] Potter films, (and why wouldn’t she?  This bitch is set for life after a $58 million dollar opening day!) but it’s being reported that Emma Watson is set for her first non-potter […]

  2. I Know We’ve Been Doing a Lot of Harry Potter Posts, But In Our Defense, the New Harry Potter Movie Came Out This Week - July 16, 2009

    […] And it’s making a lot of money. […]

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