
Joel Madden’s Airline Annoyance.


According to Joel Madden’s Twitter page, he was recently told he was not allowed to board a British Airways flight because of his tattoos.

“Was just told by a british air person I can’t get on the plane till I cover my tatts. Should I fight the power?” Madden wrote while waiting to board the plane to London out of Chicago O’hare.

He goes on to let his followers know that he covered them up so that he was not to cause a scene but also writes it was embarassing to have everyone standing there watching and laughing.

Apparently the airport employee also told Joel that he was disgusted by him.

Nicole Richie even chimed in via her Twitter page saying, “PS all of @joelmadden ‘s tattos are spiritual. Since when is expressing your love for God & family against what British Airways stands for?”

So what exactly is British Airways policy?  Why would they discriminate against tattoos.  They are legal to have and don’t hurt anybody!

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  1. When Daddys Away… - April 27, 2009

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