
What Does Kim K Think About Her ASSault in New Eminem Video.


Kim Kardashian logged online this morning to watch the new Eminem video for “We Made You” only to find a lesser version of herself on a date with a character played by Eminem smacking him around with her big ass.

Kim writes to her blog;

“I just saw Eminem’s new video for “We Made You” and he totally spoofs me!!It was a total surprise to me because I had no idea he was going to talk about me in the song.  I think this video is so funny! I am a huge Eminem fan and find it flattering that he would rap about me,” says Kardashian. “He’s a bit harsh about some other celebrities, but you just have to let it go and have a sense of humor.”

Later in the video, Em shoves “Kim K” through a wood chipper which turns her into cash.

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