
L.C. Defends The Hills.

Lauren Conrad is defending The Hills and denying the never ending claim that it is a scripted series.

Wait you mean theres people who believe this real life piece of dramatic genius is fake?! How could anyone ever accuse a heartfelt goodbye like the one pictured above to be a farce!?

Extra’s new host Mario Lopez asked Conrad if the show was scripted and she responded;

“No, I’ve never gotten a script, But people always think it’s scripted.  Unfortunately, I have to take credit for all the words that come out of my mouth.”

You know how they say, some liars are such good liars because they can turn a lie into the truth… I have to take LC’s side and defend her on this.

Maybe the Hills is not scripted.  There’s most likely a crew on set saying things like “ok lauren this time you’re going to tell Audrina this and If we don’t like your tone we’re going to do it again,”  but technically speaking, that is NOT a script.

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