
Lindsay Sued Over Tanning Spray


The hardest working woman in the world is being sued over some of her so called work.

Lindsay Lohan just recently released his Sevin Nyne self tanning lotion, but a company out of Florida is claiming that the formula was stolen from them, and that she had nothing to do with it at all.

If you were to ask Lindsay, she claims that she and Las Vegas based entreprenur Lorit Simon worked hard on the formula for three years before finally releasing it, but  Florida based chemist Jennifer Sunday would call her a liar!

Sunday claims that she showed Simon her tanning mist samples in January to which they stole and marketed as Lindsay’s.

In the suit filed within the Tampa, Florida court room, Sunday is suing for breach of contract, theft of trade secrets, civil conspiracy, intentional interference with contractual relations and deceptive and unfair trade practices.

Ms. Sunday’s attorney tells the St. Petersberg Times; “The next thing we know, Lorit Simon and Lindsay Lohan are partnering and Ms. Lohan is taking credit for developing this formula, which she indeed had no role in… We are certainly looking for the profits that are being generated right now from that product. If Ms. Lohan and Ms. Simon and their companies and their shareholders are profiting from the theft of my client’s formula and are profiting from that product, my client is entitled to those proceeds.”

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2 Responses to Lindsay Sued Over Tanning Spray

  1. February 20, 2011 at 5:15 pm #

    This is the great blog, I’m reading them for a while, thanks for the new posts!


  1. Lohan Says Tanning Formula is Original! - July 8, 2009

    […] about that lawsuit over Lindsay Lohan and co. stealing the formula for Sevin Nyne tanning lotion from a Flordia based […]

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