
Real Housewives of NY Stars Celebrate Parenting Book.

The ultra luxurious Bruno Jamais Restaurant Club in Manhattan played host to Bravo TV’s “Real Housewives of New York” Stars Alex Mc Cord and Simon van Kempen. The party was attended by hundreds of media eager to get the latest scoop on Alex and Simon’s upcoming parenting book. “Johan, our youngest son appears more in season two because he’s a bigger boy,” “But with Francois, we have a star in the making,” said Van Kempen to a People Magazine reporter at the event. Although season 2 premiers on February 17th, media who wanted the inside scoop on the reality antics and potential catfights among the housewives were left out in the cold as Alex and Simon had to remain mum on the exciting details. Guests were treated to delicious fare from Bruno Jamais Restaurant along with tasting tables from G’Vine Gin and Voodoo Tiki Tequila.

A charity raffle was held to benefit the Make A Wish Foundation® with items such as a $4,500 necklace courtesy of precious jewelry designer Rebecca Koven, www.rkoven.com a Marilyn Monroe collection pursue from www.cyndyesty.com, a weekend stay at The Hotel Chandler, a rare collectors item box and Voodoo Tiki Tequila bottle, http://www.voodootiki.com an NBA player’s duffle bag, a cashmere duster from www.minnierose.com and numerous other fabulous prizes. All guests left with gift bags from http://www.makelovenottrash.com filled with gift certificates, beauty products and other lifestyle goodies.

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  1. Anonymous - February 13, 2009

    Mom Blogs – Blogs for Moms…

  2. Real Housewives of Orange County Add Another Blonde - July 14, 2009

    […] The Real Housewives Of ___, the hit show about clueless rich women will return to its (dyed blonde) roots, going back to […]

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