
Paris Says No to Chicago, Going to the White House instead.

Paris Hilton has turned down a role in the West End production of Chicago, MTV is reporting.

Paris’ reason for turning down the show is that it will conflict with her heavy work load.

Says P;

“We did some dance rehearsals and everything. But then I found out the schedule, and it was six days a week for a couple of months. And they wanted me to go to London after New York.”

“I was very flattered to be offered that role and I love Chicago, but with my schedule and everything, there was no way I could fit it in.”

As it turns out, Paris has decided that based on John McCain’s ad depicting her as the world’s second biggest celebrity, she’s going to just run against both McCain and Obama in the upcoming Presidential race. Paris released her first campaign video today outlining her own energy policy.

She’ll see you bitches at the debate!


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