
Wanted: a sexy little thing called “Shakira”!

One very, very rich lucky fan will fulfill his lifelong dream of meeting Shakira!


Remember those ever popular 90’s high school “slave auctions” that have since been banned because of feminist/racial extremist protests (party poopers!)?  Well, the a-w-e-s-o-m-e Shakira auctioned herself off this week, and for a very, very good cause!

In order to benefit her Pies Descalzos (barefeet) Foundation, a personal date with Shakira + first row seats to one of her concerts were auctioned off to a young Canadian man who reportedly paid $14,000 for the date of a lifetime!!  Fourteen thousand dollars?!  I’m sorry, but that’s practically free!!  Who the heck was in charge of the PR for this thing?  I myself know a few people who’d pay much more than that!  I mean, I would have taken a loan, sold my business, my body, anything!!

One hour of Shakira teaching me her belly dancing secrets, and I’d have the tool to make enough money to pay off all my loans and even eat for the rest of my life youth!!  Plus, helping a good cause ain’t so bad either!

Shakira, te amo!

At least $76,000 were raised in all, due to Shakira’s recent auctions of personal items and autographed memorabilia, which culminated in the auctioning of this date.


Who would you pay for a date?

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  1. Starzlife - all you wanted to know about celebrities » Win a date with Scarlett Johansson! - March 3, 2008

    […] order to benefit some of her favorite charities, Scarlett Johansson is pulling a “Shakira” and auctioning herself off on Ebay! The highest bidder will not only enjoy Miss Johansson’s […]

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