Bad news for Balloon boys parents, but some potentially good news for those kids! The attorney for the Heene famliy has announce that they will plead guilty this Friday to the balloon hoax that had their whole community in a frenzy for 5 hours and it could land them in jail, or even worse…deported! With […]
Tag Archives | Balloon Boy

Balloon Boy’s Parents Under Federal and Criminal Investigation
Balloon Boy’s parents heap of trouble just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Now the family is being investigated by the FAA to see if they violated any rules and regulations by their balloon flying through FAA regulated airspace during it’s 2 hour flight. The FAA is claiming that it’s just standard procedure, but a federal […]

LOL of the Day
This note was posted on the front door of Falcon “Balloon Boy” Heene’s parents Colorado home. All weekend long, new developments have been coming forward confirming that the whole thing was a hoax. All this after days of interviews where the family denied that any of this was planned. With father Heene facing criminal charges, […]

Balloon Boy Family To Face Charges for Hoax; Do Not Mess With the Heartstrings of America!
Although we had previously speculated that the whole Balloon Boy thing was a giant hoax, we didn’t have much proof. Now more evidence has surfaced and it turns out the family is facing charges! FULL ON FAKE! A former assistant to Papa Heene named Rob Thomas sold his story to Gawker, saying that he and […]

Balloon Boy Plot Orchestrated By Parents?
The Balloon Boy family went on Larry King Live last night to discuss their whirlwind day, but the boy might have revealed that the story was a hoax plotted by his parents. Out of the mouths of babes! Balloon Boy (real name Falcon Heene) was said to have been playing in an experimental helium balloon, […]

Balloon Boy Found!
After nearly 5 hours at large and becoming the top 3 trending topics on Twitter, balloon boy has been found… In the attic in a box in his house. IN HIS HOUSE! They spent 5 hours worried/wondering where this kid was but didn’t search the entire house. Wish I could say I’m glad he’s safe, […]