
Tag Archives | high school musical news


Disney to Ruin Something Great, Make High School Musical 4.

Disney announced today that they would be going ahead with a straight to TV movie, High School Musical 4. The first two films were instant TV hits which called for the third to get a theatrical release, but the fact that none of the original cast will be asked back for the 4th film, (mostly […]

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They Always Want a Piece.

Vanessa Hudgens is the latest upcoming star to have someone from her past trying to benefit off of her financial gain.  It always seems to happen to every young star at least once in their career, someone mysteriously shows up and claims to be owed enormous sums of money.

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Elle ‘greases’ up High School Musical 3

Three of the main stars from Disney’s High School musical did a photo shoot for ELLE recently and the results are HOT! Check out the photos inside.

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Identified flop.

Vanessa Hudgens might be the hottest thing to hit the Disney channel ever, but singer might not be her true calling.

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Standin’ by her man!

Vanessa Hudgens is speaking out against recent reports that her boyfriend, and  High School Musical co-star Zac Efron doesn’t like to shower.

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