
Kanye West arrested at LAX!

Kanye West arrested at LAX

Kanye West has just been arrested at LAX for felony vandalism.  Poor guy!  TMZ has video of the whole incident!  ut oh!  Kanye wasn’t happy to hear about that so in front of the police after he was already being questioned he demanded “gimme the f*cking tape!”  Well, dah!  Too Late!  Hahaha!  Good for Erik at TMZ who got it all on tape!  Smart move! He’s in BIG TROUBLE!!!! 

From Access Hollywood

Police say they have arrested Kanye West at Los Angeles International Airport on suspicion of vandalism after an altercation with a photographer.

An airport spokesman says police also arrested West’s road manager shortly before 8 a.m. on Thursday.

Airport spokesman Marshall Lowe says early reports are that West got into an altercation with a commercial photographer and a camera valued at more than $10,000 was broken.

The celebs Web site TMZ.com is reporting that West smashed the camera of a photographer in the American Airlines terminal at LAX. TMZ says one of its photographers began videotaping the scene and the road manager stopped him and asked for the camera. The road manager then grabbed the video camera and threw it to the ground.

The incident happened before West and his manager, who was not identified, cleared a security screening at the airport.

Lowe says police are continuing to interview witnesses and West may be booked later this morning.

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