
A reason to love.

Everybody hates Spencer Pratt. But today, I give you ONE reason to love Spencer Pratt.

In the Hills, Pratt plays a villain, someone who has done something that none of us have ever done before. (spread a rumor)

We hate Spencer because he and Heidi Montag hire paparazzi for setups, We hate him because Lauren hates him, and Laguna Beach taught us to love Lauren, we Hate them because he’s the only arrogant person in the world. (not)

In this commercial for Pete Wentz’s new show FNMTV, It finally hit me that Spencer doesn’t take his show as seriously as everyone thinks. He mocks himself and the show. Ladies and gentleman, SPENCER PRATT IS A REAL BOY!

and heres the first one, Heidi makes it not as good, but at least it gave them the idea for the second one.

Speaking of Heidi, we can still hate her, for her lousy attempt at a singing career, for her saying she is going to win an oscar for acting one day, and for a little thing I like to call Heidiwood.

Oh BTW they have a new website www.speidiweb.com

and “Speidi” made 3.2 million dollars last year. Jokes on us!

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