
Britney’s home was robbed!

The LAPD was called to the Beverly Hills home of Miss Britney Jean Spears after her parents discovered some valuable possessions were missing.

After Britney’s father,  Jamie, won legal control over his daughter and her estate at an emergency hearing Friday, he and ex-wife Lynne returned to the house to find a bunch of sh*t gone!  Damn Y’all!  

They have filed a police report.  I wonder who the prime suspect is. . .hum. . .this is a tough one let’s see. . .Starts with an “S” and rhymes with Ham. 

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  1. Britney’s home was robbed! - February 2, 2008

    […] Taylorâ??s Ent. News wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt The LAPD was called to the Beverly Hills home of Miss Britney Jean Spears after her parents discovered some valuable possessions were missing. After Britney’s father,  Jamie, won legal control over his daughter and her estate at an emergency hearing Friday, he and ex-wife Lynne returned to the house to find a bunch of sh*t gone!  Damn Y’all!   They have filed a police report.  I wonder who the prime suspect is. . .hum. . .this is a tough one let’s see. . .Starts with an “S” and rhymes wit […]

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