
Let’s just hope they get their mamita’s genes!

Jennifer Lopez may just be a’ poppin’ today!jlo.jpgPagesix is reporting that the lush, private room at North Shore University Hospital which is being held for Jennifer Lopez and which was recently refurbished and redecorated especially for her, is finally being graced with her ginormous presence!!  Staffers and patients at the hospital are confirming that the shortest pregnancy in history is about to be over.  Mrs. Marc Anthony is reported to be having twins.As for Marc Anthony, sources confirm that he is nowhere in sight!  Sadly, after countless meetings of the hospital board, supreme justices, and family members, a decision was made for his spawn to be born sans dadda.  Twin births are complicated, and the babies could be too weak to resist any germs or freaky sights during the first couple of days…jlo2.jpg

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4 Responses to Let’s just hope they get their mamita’s genes!

  1. February 20, 2008 at 11:04 am #

    Let us outta here already!!!

  2. February 20, 2008 at 5:13 pm #

    Dunno, maybe they should catch an early start in American conformism just stay in there!! You know, these creatures might just be two massive butts attached to tiny, skinny alien-like bodies with dadda’s face and mama’s lips! And, in that case, gender wouldn’t save them either way…

  3. February 20, 2008 at 6:44 pm #



  1. Starzlife - all you wanted to know about celebrities » And then there were four… - February 22, 2008

    […] That’s soo cute!  I really hope Roswell Marc gets to see his babies soon!  Congratulations, JLO and Marc Anthony!   BTW…  Wasn’t there a total lunar eclipse […]

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