
Shocking Nicky Hilton. . .EXCLUSIVE & Anorexic?!

Stick thin, and legs wide open? n.JPGThat’s gotta be a Hilton!022808_sl_hilton10.JPGIs it just me, or is Nicky starting to look like one of the Olsen thins twins?022808_sl_hilton03.jpgHonestly, what in the world is going on? Don’t people EAT ANYMORE? Nicky Hilton looked amazingly thin as she stepped out to do a little retail therapy today. I hope Nicky eats something soon or she might just vanish!

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4 Responses to Shocking Nicky Hilton. . .EXCLUSIVE & Anorexic?!

  1. February 28, 2008 at 11:32 pm #

    She is not anorexic Roxy! I just saw her three days ago. She is thin, but deff not Ana. hahaha. She looks good.

  2. February 28, 2008 at 11:33 pm #

    She wishes she was Ana. Look at that chin. Look at those thighs. DUH…

  3. February 28, 2008 at 11:34 pm #

    NOT ANA!

    NOT ANA!

    NOT ANA!

    NOT ANA!

    NOT ANA!

    NOT ANA!

    NOT ANA!


  1. Starzlife - all you wanted to know about celebrities » SHOCKING!! Nicky Hilton: Her bony little chicken legs tell the tale… - March 3, 2008

    […] weren’t sure about this Hilton sister’s current anorexic physique with our last pictures, here you have some additional images to satisfy all our sick curiosity. Nicky went shopping today […]

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