
Freak accident kills Heidi Montag’s stepbrother!

“I loved him more than anything…”


Montag is said to be heartbroken, she has confided in friends and others that she loved her stepbrother “more than anything”.

As reported by People.com:

The Hills star Heidi Montag‘s 24-year-old stepbrother, Eric O’Hara, a veteran of several combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, has lost his life in a bizarre accident at the Colorado hotel where he worked, the Rocky Mountain News.  O’Hara died Thursday at the Steamboat Grand Resort Hotel in Steamboat Springs, after he slipped off a sloped roof while attempting to remove snow.  “Having made it through 15 months in Iraq, and then to have this happen,” said his uncle, Dave Patston, “it’s really tough.”

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

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2 Responses to Freak accident kills Heidi Montag’s stepbrother!

  1. March 3, 2008 at 11:29 am #

    Obviously DEATH is and always should be treated treated with the utmost respect; BUT how hilarious is it that? Heidi is known for being spastic and now her step brother dies is a ‘freak accident’? that’s entertainment!

  2. February 7, 2009 at 11:34 pm #

    ur a jerk val..


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