
Kimora Lee Simmons Loves Her Bubbly

Kimora Lee

The ex-runway model and creator of Babyphat, Ms. Kimora Lee, who loves living in extravagance indulging in all the luxuries life can offer, is at it again. The diva has previously claimed that diamonds and jewelry are like candy to her and has been known to soak her feet in Cristal champagne for her pedicures. I’m just wondering why in the world someone would prefer champagne on their feet over water. Are there some redeeming therapeutic properties in champagne I may not know about? Or maybe it is because Cristal just happens to be worth $300 a pop.

Although not a singer, Kimora has hired a contract rider, who normally works concert tours. She expects the same treatment for her personal appearances and has yet another stringent requirement regarding her bubbly. Page Six of the New York Post states that:“She demands that someone stand by and refill her champagne glass whenever it gets below one inch, that the water is Fiji only and that the place provide fans that blow on her in case it gets hot,” said an insider. Simmons’ rep said, “She does only drink Fiji water but these reports are completely false and inaccurate.” I sure would hate to be one of her wait-staff.  If this woman can’t handle an empty champagne glass, what more can she demand of the basics in life? Oh, wait. . .champagne does fall under a basic essential need in Kimora Lee Simmons’s world. Although I’m not a big fan of Kimora, I do find her little girls Ming Lee and Aoki just adorable. Let’s just hope they are not following in mommy’s excessive footsteps as divas in the making. God help us all.

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One Response to Kimora Lee Simmons Loves Her Bubbly

  1. September 25, 2011 at 7:13 am #

    hey kimora u a so beautiful i love u in kimora:life in the fab lane

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