She’s seen the light y’all!!
Britney Spears’ next music video is will surely be her favorite one to date! It’s also probably the best idea this taco Mogul has ever had! For her next video, the pop star and her producers hope to accomplish the near impossible for a Britney Spears music video_ minimal investment! The goal is to shoot the video on time, without the use of body doubles, puppy pooped designer duds , or any sort of beauty-expert
team army (yes, way)! “How is this possible?”, you ask. Well, because while our favorite pop-wreck sits in her golden cage, stroking her belly and stuffing up on all things grease, and frappuccino, someone else will be taking care of the tedious video-making task. A highly trained group of graphic experts will be whipping up a (far-fetched) Japanese anime version of a sexy superhero Britney. Now, IS THAT BRILLIANT OR WHAT? I’m guessing Britney’s next move will be to hire another team to use voice shorts from her previous work, in order to record the video’s song, all without her having to even step foot inside the studio!Way to go, Business-Brit! I mean, really, why do the math when you can just use a calculator? (preferably a wireless, voice activated calculator that already has answer, by the time you even
start think to ask…) According to
The Sun claimed Spears “told label bosses” she wanted the video done this way, but more likely the record company remembered how difficult Spears can be at a photo shoot and realized she’d been to the psychiatric wing of the hospital twice in the first two months of the year, and decided to just hire some animators in Asia and be done with it…
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