
Brooke Hogan disses homewrecker friend on MySpace!!

Hates on friend who slept with her pervert dad!

bh.jpgBrooke Hogan’s former pal, 33 year old Chrisitian Plante, went public last week on National Enquirer, about her affair with famous wrestler, Terry Gene Bollea, also known Hulk Hogan, and father to big-boned-Barbie beauty (and yes, I’m also secretly craving Brooke Hogan’s bod, me and my pudgy-girl cheeks…), 22 year old aspiring singer, Brooke Hogan.

“My relationship with Terry began at a time when Terry and Linda privately knew their marriage was ending…  She had left him already, although no official papers had been filed.  Terry is a good man, good father and a good friend, and he and I grew close at a time when he was going through a very difficult period.  It seemed right then, but I know it was wrong.  Having felt the guilt and pain build up, I gave a note to Brooke apologizing for my actions.  I will never be able to fully forgive myself for this.  I have lost an amazing friend…”

Brooke Hogan responded to Plante’s message by posting a new blog on her MySpace page (and for free, mind you):

“I think she shoulda thought about what kinda press she was gonna get when she slept with her best friend’s famous father…  I think we’re all seeing just exactly how karma works Christiane.  Nothin’ you say will ever put my family back together…”

Hmm...  One can only wonder (hope?) what juicy, slang-filled rage note Brooke’ll be writing next!  Maybe “some’in” to her good ol’ biker-wannabe, orange and perverted wise-ass Pop?!

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