
Brooke Mueller on Rodeo Drive.

We’re thinking Charlie Sheen should move up the wedding date, and give this girl a child; ASAP!!


…or even twins!  Maybe that’ll keep his uber cute, shopaholic fiancee, Brooke Mueller, busy!

031608_sl_mueller06.JPGAin’t she the sweetest?

Brooke Mueller is awesome!  I love it that she’s so fun-loving and not afraid to be silly once in a while, or even make a fool of herself, here and there.  Watch as the stunning bride-to-be spends a unique afternoon with her beloved substitute spawn pups, shopping at Beverly Hills’ Botega Veneta in Rodeo Drive, and later makes some pregnant mom jealous of the pups’ adorable attention-grabbing genes!


I think Brooke Mueller would make an awesome mommy, don’t you?

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