
Blog Battle- John Mayer vs. Perez Hilton

 031208_sl_perez05.JPGIt’s no question who is the king Queen of celebs blogs, but apparently John Mayer may not agree.  In a recent interview with InTouch Weekly, Perez has some words for Mr. Mayer… It all apparently started a few weeks ago when occasional blogger John Mayer posted a blog on his website on March 27th taunting Perez saying, “This is about a guy who maintains a celebs blog that subsists on tearing other people down but who has wrestled with a lifelong battle for acceptance as a gay man.”  This “not so blind” item on Mayers blog forced the self proclaimed (and i’ll support that claim) queen of all media to respond on his blog with a post that included “Shut your pie hole John, or we’ll have to tell the world about that night at stereo!” Apparently on New Years Eve 2006, Perez, Mayer, and Mayer’s then girlfriend Jessica Simpson were all partying at club Stereo in NYC and after a little bit of flirting on Mayer’s behalf, he was making out with Perez for more than 5 minutes.  Although Mayer’s rep has denied this statement calling it rediculous, Perez has issued a challenge for a lie detector test.  Maybe they can appear on a special celebs episode of The moment of truth, or at least part of  the next installment of What Perez Sez!  

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