
Larry King flashes the world his snake….Talks Idol.

040708_sl_king05.JPG The first thing I want to know… is WHY Larry King was walking around Beverly Hills carrying a rubber snake on Monday afternoon.  The next thing I want to know, is why Larry King even has a rubber snake?? The 74 year old talk show giant, who has been sitting at the same CNN desk for the past 23 years was spotted out yesterday prior to taping last nights eddition of his show which featured  American Idol’s bread and butter  Randy, Simon, Paula, and Ryan. The Idol guests, which took up the entire hour of the show. Talked about Idol gives back, (because who isn’t talking about it) this seasons contestants, and past winners of Americas favorite singing contest.Some key points that can be noted from the appearance on the show are: 

  • Not only is Ryan donating his paycheck to Idol Gives Back as we reported yesterday, but Simon, Randy, and Paula will be donating also.
  • Simon’s favorite Idol is Kelly Clarkson, he thinks she brought legitimacy to the franchise, and he likes her personality. (translation: he totally just wants to f*ck her)
  • All the judges think that it will come down to David Archuletta, and David Cook on the night of the finale.  (Thank you captain obvious)
  • Randy must be smoking a lot of crack because he thinks Jason Castro is unworthy of a record deal but that he would sign Kristy Lee Cook (who should have been eliminated for the past 8 weeks in a row)
  • Simon (The smart one. Just like on Alvin and the Chipmunks) thinks randy is crazy and that Kristy Lee Cook is forgettable and not even a good country singer.
  • Larry King had no opinion during the entire show, meaning he was too busy playing with his RUBBER SNAKE under the table!

For more info on Idol Gives Back,  which airs Wednesday on Fox, click here.  For More pictures of Larry King and his little rubber friend, see below!    040708_sl_king04.JPG your supposed to keep your snake in your pants in public Larry!  040708_sl_king07.JPG040708_sl_king08.JPG040708_sl_king02.JPG 

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2 Responses to Larry King flashes the world his snake….Talks Idol.

  1. April 8, 2008 at 3:54 pm #

    Simon likes independent, outspoken people and all the other idols are the opposite, except for Kelly.
    Personally I don’t think Jason Castro is that good.
    Randy wants to give KLC a contract because he knows coutry music loves those young blonds. KLC is almost the same as Taylor Swift (in vocal power) so I’m sure she would make him a lot of money.

  2. April 14, 2008 at 2:19 pm #

    except taylor swift is attractive

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