
Joe $impson is at it again

033008_sl_simpson14.JPGFirst there was the news that Ashlee and Pete were engaged. Then there was the pregnancy rumors/not rumors. And now, in the least surprising of events, Joe Simpson is trying to make more money off of his kids!

Apparently Joe Simpson has been contacting all the weeklies asking for 1 million dollars in exchange for an Ashlee cover story, and the first pictures of the baby. Joe, homie, J.Lo’s kids were barely worth what they paid for them. (2 Million) Your daughter is not half of J.Lo’s worth. Send me the babies first pics, I’ll send you a 6 pack and a really nice thank you card.

Unlike her father, Ashlee Simpson is staying quiet about the whole thing. When asked on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show this morning how Pete proposed to her, she said that was something she was going to keep sacred but that it was very thoughtful.Seacrest also tried to dodge around the pregnancy question by asking her if she was going to go out drinking during her stay in NYC. Asslee’s response: “I dont know, Maybe”Dont think that Ash and Pete arent tryin to make a lil off this too, there are some photos floating around showing off her ring that look pretty staged. I wonder how much they got for that little photo op?? 😉

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