
Miley Cyrus to put out autobiography!


Chalk this one up under the worst idea ever category! Multi-Millionaire teen queen Miley Cyrus is set to release a book in the next year, talking about her life up until now.

Up until now??? The girl is only 15! She’s not even old enough to vote! Heck, she’s not even old enough to DRIVE! Now I’m well aware this girl has probably seen and done more than most of us will do in our entire lifetime, and has enough money to retire and live off of Hannah Montana Re-runs, But what all could she really write about?

Her one tour that everyone has seen because it was made into a movie? Growing up with the lack of career her dad had? Now I’m usually one to say Ms. Cyrus does no wrong, but why not wait until she’s 30 and rules the world?

A rep for Miley has reportedly said that this venture is going to be a multi-million dollar deal and they are hoping to remove her from her “Hannah Montana” image to continue her career ‘Just bein’ Miley’.

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