
Your daily Lohan

main-15.jpgIt sort of bugs me when these Lindsay Lohan breaking news stories appear about once a week about her ‘falling off the wagon’ and getting back to her old bad habits.

People magazine put out a *shocking* report this weekend of Lindsay Lohan, 2007’s rehab MVP, partying it up in NYC with bff Sam Ronson and sucking down multiple Grey Goose and Red Bulls. While it’s nice to finally have someone see the proof, this story is exploding all over the internet as if she was ever serious about getting better and had an accidental relapse of judgement and had a drink.

Starzlife has been speculating this for weeks and really it comes to no surprise to us here. Especially with just alcohol. Sure, it could lead to worse decisions, but technically it’s all legal!

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One Response to Your daily Lohan

  1. April 21, 2008 at 10:30 pm #

    Are we bloated, much?

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