
This show makes everyone famous!

justin-bobby-models.jpg Justin-Bobby made his long awaited return to The Hills last night to celebrate his new found modeling career.  I know it’s not important news really, but I’m just trying to get a free haircut out of it.

Apparently the success of being Audrina‘s knuckle-head  on and off again boyfriend who wears combat boots to the beach and talks in little poetic sentences has landed him a modeling job.

 Justin Bobby, whos real name is Justin Brescia, a hair stylist by day recently did a photo shoot for mens line Othodox, through Peoples Revolution, the company Whitney and Lauren work for on the show.  It’s being claimed a coincidence tho and that he did not get the job because of the show…sure. 

Either way, Justin showed back up on the show last night when he accidently ran into the gang at GOA, a Hollywood club.  He debuted his new freshly cut hair and looked a little less like a dirt bag.  Not that there’s anything wrong with looking like a dirt bag.

 So Justin Bobby, if you wanna give me a free haircut, let me know. 

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