Jimi Hendrix, The Sex Tape. Real or hoax?
Vivid Entertainment is planning the upcoming release of rock legend, Jimi Hendrix’s sex tape from the late sixties. Or so it claims. “Jimi Hendrix’s” face is said to appear on the tape for a mere few seconds, and with eyes closed. The rest of the time there are only profile shots of a afro-clad naked man who resembles Hendrix, doing the naughty with two brunettes.
The film, which has been described as a cheap-shot 45 minute “biography” of sorts which includes 11 minutes of audio-less sex footage and some sort of information on Hendrix’s early career (with no mention of his music), is said to be released this week. It will sell for $39.95 and will also be available for downloading (provided you pay the “small fee,” of course).
This new “film” release is part of the newest trend of celebs sex tapes: tapes of deceased celebs and icons whom are otherwise unavailable for our dissecting pleasure. These modern times of voyeurism call for modern forms of satisfaction, no matter how ridiculous “real”!
Recent films portraying celebs look-alikes (Marylin Monroe, for example) have been disputed as fake, and the Hendrix film isn’t far behind. More than a week before its release, Vivid’s co-chairman, Steven Hirsch, has already had to defend the authenticity of the tape, and in a very hazy way:
I believe that we did our due diligence, and as a result of that clearly believe that it’s him,” said Steven Hirsch, Vivid’s co-chairman. “If they said that it wasn’t him, I would never have put it out.”
Now, doesn’t that sound rock solid? “They” said it was real, right before selling Hirsch the tape. Whew! That sure makes me believe it’s real! However, I think I’ll pass… I’m just too freaky to settle for a sound-less video of an unidentifiable afro and two furkinis in the dark.
it has been released a while ago and it doesn’t look that bad LOL