
Paris causes UK Army lawsuit


Sticks and stones (or guns and bombs in this case) can break his bones but names just make him cry. British soldier Kerry Hylton is suing the UK Army because he is embarrassed by the nickname; Paris, given to him by his fellow troops.

Hylton, a Jamaican born 33 year old chef with the Welsh Guards who’s last name shares a baring resemblance to that of the Hilton Hotel heiress, is suing for race discrimination, claiming that his fellow soldiers have ignored many orders to stop calling him that, and that it’s embarrassing because he called Hilton “a white woman with a low reputation.” Hylton also threw in that he’d been called other racial remarks too, but of course this one was the most serious.

Apparently his mommy wasn’t available so he decided to tattle to the government instead.

They are expected to hear his case next month. Bets are currently being taken to see who can go the longest without laughing in the courtroom.

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