
Cowell ‘hassles the ex Hoff’


American Idol judge Simon Cowell was out to lunch at The Ivy in West Hollywood on Thursday and ran into David Hasselhoff’s ex-wife Pamela Bach, and by “ran into” i mean with the lips as the two nearly made out with eachother! Check out Starzlife’s photos of the smooch after the cut

My American Idol, Cowell, was dining with some friends when Ms. Bach approached the table and the two got pretty friendly. I’m sure friendly was all it was, but Simon is known to be some what of a ladies man. The master of mean also puffed on a cigarette following his meal. I, and Starzlife do not support this bad habit! I’m surprised a man who is so conscious of his appearance partakes in such a nasty habit! At least it’s a better habit than his Idol co-judge Paula Abdul has been known to partake in, on show nights!


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